More than 500,000 healthy years of life.

With the muscles as the body's own pharmacy.

About FPZ.

Get to know who we are.

The FPZ company has set itself ambitious goals since it was founded in 1993: FPZ aims to give its patients 500,000 more healthy years of life by 2035. To achieve this, the research and prevention center relies on activating the muscles as the body's own pharmacy.

All the research carried out in recent years has shown that regular physical training triggers a whole range of processes in the body that have positive effects. And without any side effects. Training is therefore the most important component of all FPZ offers.


Our Mission.

With the therapies we have developed therapies we develop, we activate the human musculature as the the body's own pharmacy to increase performance and quality of life.


Our Vision.

By 2035, we will have provided our patients more than 500,000 additional years of healthy life for our patients.


Our Positioning.

We stand for highly effective therapeutic approaches and a strong network of expert partners. This makes us unique worldwide.

The FPZ vision.

500,000 more years of healthy life.

What is that actually?

More healthy years of life.

Healthy life years - by definition, these are the years that a person is expected to live in good health. So if you develop chronic back pain at the age of 40 and take medication and require a lot of medical treatment over time, you can no longer speak of healthy life years from this point onwards.

Of course, you can also live to be 80. However, we advocate not only focusing on the number of years you live, but also on how you get there. Because only healthy years of life are also fulfilling, happy and satisfied years of life. In Germany alone, more than 25 million healthy years of life were lost in 2017*.

Healthy life years.

This is how we measure.

Would you like to find out more about exactly how healthy life years are calculated? We determine the data using the Sullivan method. The factors age, gender, well-being and performance all play a role.

Chronic diseases.

Lead to years of healthy life lost.

In Germany, more than one in two people suffers from a chronic illness. If you add the years with health restrictions to the years of life lost as a result, this adds up to 25 million healthy years of life lost in Germany every year*. Globally, more than 1.4 billion healthy years of life are lost every year due to unhealthy lifestyles, lack of exercise and poor nutrition**.

The most important insight for us is that all the medical progress made to increase life expectancy only makes sense if the years gained are also mainly healthy years of life. In the case of back pain, for example, 100% of the healthy years of life lost are due to impaired health. This means that the loss of healthy life years in Germany due to reduced health is greater for back pain than for all other diseases***.

*  Source: Güthlin, C.; Köhler, S; Dieckelmann, M. (2020): Chronisch krank sein in Deutschland. Zahlen, Fakten und Versorgungserfahrungen. Institut für Allgemeinmedizin der Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main. Available online at

** Source: World Health Organization

*** Source: GÜTHLIN 2020, 45

The evolution of FPZ.

A journey through innovation and health optimization.


The FPZ story begins. Ina and Achim Denner develop the FPZ concept at the Cologne Sports University. They research and refine their idea until WDR becomes aware of it and two years later includes its entire staff in the program. The founders publish specialist books, set up expert networks and cooperate with GEZ, RTL, DKV and major company health insurance funds.

Knowledge makes you healthy.

Research for progress.

The programs developed by FPZ reduce the effects of the major chronic widespread diseases and achieve broad-spectrum effects on a physical and mental level that sustainably increase people's performance and well-being. Only therapies that correspond to the latest scientific findings and have proven their benefits beyond doubt are used.

FPZ sees itself as a bridge of knowledge from science to practical application in order to empower therapists and patients. FPZ is constantly conducting research for you in various fields in order to keep its product range at the cutting edge of science. By 2035, FPZ aims to have enabled more than 500,000 healthy years of life for its participating patients. Hopefully together with you!

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Long Covid

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Back pain

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More healthy life years

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Cost savings

Hip and knee operations are expensive and frequent. International studies show that exercise and training can often make operations unnecessary. FPZ HipKneeTherapy shows promising results - a potential game changer in orthopaedic therapy.

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All FPZ studies at a glance.

FPZ literature list.

Discover the scientific background and the effectiveness of our therapy approaches. In our extensive FPZ literature list you will find a collection of all studies that document the positive effects of our FPZ therapies.

Keep up to date with the latest research findings and better understand how FPZ Therapy can contribute to an improved quality of life.

A promise of quality from FPZ.

ISO/IEC 27001 certification.

FPZ has been certified according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001 since October 25, 2022 - for the development and operation of online exercise and education programs against physical and mental complaints.


Safety in Focus.

Participant in the Alliance for Cyber Security.

We are proud to announce our certification as a participant in the 'Alliance for Cyber Security.' This partnership is a testament to our commitment to the highest security standards and a proclamation of our dedication to continuous improvement in the world of cybersecurity. With access to up-to-date resources and best practices, we are able to consistently evaluate and optimize our security protocols. Our membership enables us to collaborate with leading experts and other organizations committed to cybersecurity. This collaboration is crucial for staying one step ahead of the latest threats and fostering a robust digital environment. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security needs of our customers and partners with advanced measures, thus strengthening our promise to be at the forefront of security innovations.


Award in Data Protection.

FPZ receives eLearning Award 2019.

In 2019, our data protection training won the prestigious eLearning AWARD from the eLearning Journal. The training is designed in a modern eLearning format, combined with sensibly complementary blended learning on patient data protection. With the annual award, the eLearning Journal showcases the state of the art in the industry and awards innovative projects with exemplary character from over 300 submissions from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in more than 50 categories.
